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Aurora Borealis May Be Visible In Chicago


The Super Bowl of Space Weather Continues Tonight

Aurora Borealis May Be Visible in Chicago

This week, the Earth has been experiencing a series of geomagnetic storms, caused by a coronal mass ejection from the sun. These storms have been producing some of the strongest auroral displays in years. On Thursday night, the aurora borealis may be visible in Chicago and other parts of the northern United States.

What is the Aurora Borealis?

The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, is a natural light display that occurs when charged particles from the sun interact with the Earth's atmosphere. The particles are drawn to the Earth's magnetic poles, and as they interact with the atmosphere, they emit light. The color of the aurora depends on the type of gas that is being excited. Oxygen atoms emit green and red light, while nitrogen atoms emit blue and purple light.

How to See the Aurora Borealis

To see the aurora borealis, you need to be in a dark location with clear skies. The best time to see the aurora is during the winter months, when the nights are longer. If you are in a location where the aurora is likely to be visible, you should look for a spot with a clear view of the northern horizon. You may also want to use a pair of binoculars or a telescope to get a better view of the aurora.


The aurora borealis is a beautiful and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon. If you have the opportunity to see the aurora, be sure to take advantage of it. It is an experience that you will never forget.

