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Burrowing Heaven Lobotomy

The Burrowing Heaven: An Enigmatic Abnormality

Origins and Appearance

The Burrowing Heaven O-04-72 is an enigmatic Abnormality that made its first appearance in the prequel game Lobotomy Corporation. As its name suggests, it resembles a tree with a long stalk extending from the floor and two skeletal wing-like extremities. In Lobotomy Corporation, it appeared as a WAW Abnormality, categorized as a tree-like creature.

Behavior and Containment

The Burrowing Heaven possess a unique passive ability that dictates its behavior. As long as an employee remains within its line of sight, it maintains a docile state. However, if this gaze is broken, the Abnormality will quickly pursue its target with lethal intent. Containment protocols therefore involve constant monitoring and ensuring that at least one employee remains within its field of vision at all times.

Significance in the Lobotomy Corp Universe

The Burrowing Heaven is a captivating creature that has garnered significant attention within the Lobotomy Corp universe. Its distinct appearance and intriguing behavior have made it a favorite among fans of the franchise. Its return in Project Moon's upcoming title, Limbus Company, eagerly anticipated, leaving many wondering what new insights and challenges it will bring to the game's lore.


The Burrowing Heaven O-04-72 remains a compelling and multifaceted Abnormality that has left an indelible mark on the Lobotomy Corp universe. Its intriguing appearance, unique passive ability, and significance within the game's lore have cemented its place as a memorable and beloved creature. As Project Moon continues to expand upon the franchise, fans eagerly await the opportunity to delve further into the mysteries surrounding this enigmatic tree-like Abnormality.
