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Commutes Slowed As Vacationers Head Home

Turkey: Millions Return from Eid Holiday, Causing Traffic Jams

Commutes Slowed as Vacationers Head Home

Roads Congested as Families Return from Celebrations

Millions of people are returning to Turkey following the Eid al-Adha holiday, leading to significant traffic jams on major roads. The influx of vehicles has slowed commutes for many, as families return home after spending the holiday with relatives and friends.

The Turkish General Directorate of Highways has reported heavy traffic on highways connecting major cities, including Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. The Directorate advises motorists to take alternative routes or delay their travel plans if possible.

The holiday, which marks the end of the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, is typically a time for family gatherings and celebrations. This year, the holiday was extended by one day, giving travelers extra time to return home. However, the extended holiday has also contributed to the increased traffic delays.

Authorities are urging drivers to remain patient and obey traffic rules to ensure a safe and orderly return home. They are also advising motorists to check traffic updates before setting out on their journeys.

As the holiday period comes to an end, many Turks are preparing to return to work and school. The traffic congestion is expected to continue for several days as the millions of travelers make their way home.

In conclusion, the return of millions of people from the Eid holiday has resulted in widespread traffic jams throughout Turkey. Commuters are facing significant delays on major highways, and authorities are urging drivers to be patient and follow traffic rules. The congestion is expected to persist for several days as travelers return home and resume their daily routines.
